Canine Good Citizen - Urban in downtown Salem, MA. Manners classes are taught by instructor Rolanda Dane.
MANNERS CLASS year round
Offered for dogs aged one year or older who need work on socialization and basic commands. We will also help you with any specific issues you have with your dog. In addition, Manners Class can help you and your dog prepare for AKC certifications such as Canine Good Citizen, Trick Dog, and more.
Manners class - Thursdays at 7:00 pm
Ipswich Town Hall, Ipswich MA
For questions, contact Rolanda Dane 978-500-3409 or
6 weeks, $100. It is not necessary to attend class on consecutive weeks.
OCDT does not offer refunds for our Manners six week sessions.
Click below for registration form
WHAT TO BRING TO CLASS: Please come to class with a flat collar, 6 foot leash, 20-30 foot long lead, cheese sticks or soft treats, treat pouch, small toy you can put in your pocket. Limit dog’s dinner before class.
Examples of skills you and your dog can learn in Manners Class:
Dawa takes the stairs with Elisa
Mark and August demonstrate a sit stay with return to heel
For general questions, contact Beth Perron at (978)-356-4131 or
For questions on puppy and manners classes, contact Rolanda Dane at (978) 500-3409 or