Congratulations to the August 2023 Canine Good Citizen and Trick Dog title earners!
Congratulations to all of the June 2023 AKC Farm Dog title earners at Old Colony Dog Training!
AKC Farm Dog title earners in June 2023
Congratulations to the Sept 2022 CGC and Novice Trick title earners!
Congratulations to all of the Nov. 2021 AKC title earners!
Congratulations to the September 2021 AKC Advanced Canine Good Citizens (CGCA)!
Congratulations to the September 2021 AKC Canine Good Citizens!
Congratulations to the September 2021 AKC Intermediate Trick Dog!
Congratulations to the September 2021 ACK Novice Trick Dogs!
Congratulations to the September 2020 AKC Canine Good Citizens!
Congratulations to the September 2020 AKC Intermediate Trick Dogs!
Colby retrieves an object for the AKC Intermediate Trick Dog test
Obi finds a hidden treat for the AKC Intermediate Trick Dog test.
Abby goes to her crate for the AKC Intermediate Trick Dog test
Congratulations to the September 2020 AKC Novice Trick Dogs!
Toby catches an object for the AKC Novice Trick Dog test
Smoke walks the board for the AKC Novice Trick Dog test
Winnie rolls over for the AKC Novice Trick Dog test
Mishka does puppy pushups for the AKC Novice Trick Dog test
Smoke - Well, that’s one way to get on the table for the AKC Novice Trick Dog test
Canine Good Citizen Urban Dogs - Summer 2019
Rolanda with the dogs testing for the CGC Urban AKC title in downtown Salem, MA, 2019.